Step up for sick kids

Walk or run 10,000 steps a day in May and raise funds to make hospitals a happier place for sick kids.


steppers have signed up




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sick kids

Step up for sick kids

1 - 31 May 2024

Every minute of every day, a sick child is admitted to hospital in Australia. This May, those kids need YOU to take on the Starlight Super Steps challenge.

It’s free to sign up, and by the end of the month you’ll be fitter, feeling good and had plenty of fun along the way. And whether you choose to walk or run, you’ll be helping bring joy to seriously ill children with every step.

Here’s how it works

Step 1: Sign up

It only takes a minute. You can sign up solo, or take on the challenge with your friends, family or workmates as a team.  

Step 2: Raise funds

Your personalised fundraising page makes it super simple. Plus you’ll get support and advice, every step of the way.

Step 3: Step out

You’ll have fun, you’ll get fit, and you’ll join thousands of others stepping up to brighten the lives of sick kids in May.

Choose your challenge


10,000 STEPS A DAY

16,000 STEPS A DAY


Will you step up for sick kids like Henry?

Henry’s life became consumed by hospital when he was diagnosed with Stage 5 Nephroblastoma (Wilms Tumour kidney cancer) after experiencing a sore and bloated tummy.

Admitted to hospital immediately, Henry would go on to endure 46 weeks of chemotherapy, three weeks of radiation, and nine hours of surgery to save his life.

Throughout his treatment, the Captains learned all about Henry’s love of clocks, shared silly jokes, played games, and helped create crafty masterpieces, all to brighten Henry’s hospital experience.

When you join Starlight Super Steps, you’ll help make hospital a happier place for sick kids like Henry. The money you raise will help bring laughter and happiness to sick kids when they need it most.



